A Supernatural Church

Come experience Jesus!

Service Times

Sunday Morning



Wednesday Evening



Friday Evening


Healing Service

Every 3rd Sunday of the Month

**In April, the Healing Service will be held on Sunday, April 13

Jesus Christ; the same yesterday, today and forever

Everyone is welcome at Eagles Nest
where people can enjoy a genuine encounter with Jesus. Discover your gifts and use them for God’s glory. Join us this Sunday.

  • A Solid Church

    Where the uncompromised Word of Faith is preached and taught

  • A Visionary Church

    Where our next generation can be nurtured and trained, in the admonition of the Lord

  • A Compassionate, Caring Church

    Where the love of Jesus Christ is ever present and your heart bears witness that: “This is my family and this is my home.”

We’re Growing!


We’re Moving!


Get Connected

Want to get more information on how to be connected in Eagles Nest Church?