Pastor & Staff
Meet Our Team
Pastor Ric & Deborah Borozny
Ric Borozny pastors Eagles’Nest Community Church in St. Catharines, Ontario with his wife Deborah at his side. He an ex-police officer and she an ex-nurse, both called by God, have preached & taught the uncompromised Word of Faith together for over 37 years in full-time ministry. They minister in local churches and conferences across Canada along with missions and church-planting in the nations.
Pastor Ric ministers under a prophetic anointing. His down-to-earth teaching style allows him to connect with people and speak life-changing revelation into their lives. His bold message will challenge every believer. It will increase your faith in God, lift your understanding of God’s Kingdom to a higher place, and strengthen your Christian walk.
Prophetic by calling, Deborah is an anointed, revelatory preacher of the Word of God. Possessing keen discernment in the ministry of prayer and intercession, she has trained many prayer leaders and pray-ers in God's strategic purposes for the Body of Christ. She equips believers to be increased in the fullness of the stature of Jesus Christ, thereby fulfilling their ultimate prophetic purpose for these last days.
True Preachers of Righteousness, Ric and Deborah are passionate for Jesus, passionate for God’s Word, passionate for God’s people and passionate for Revival. The Borozny’s live what they preach and their tenacious faith has resulted in many abundant victories in their lives and ministry, unto the Glory of God.
Sean & Sue DeGroot
Sean and Sue DeGroot have been married for over 30 years with three children and one grandchild. They are faithful and honoured members at EaglesNest for over 25 years. They are both ordained ministers of the Gospel and stand faithfully at Pastor Ric’s side in leadership and in ministry at their church.
Sean comes from a background of leadership in business and manufacturing. He is an anointed and exemplary teacher in the Body of Christ. Sue has specialized in nurturing & training up children through Christian Daycare & Christian Education for over 20 years.
Sean and Sue enjoy the great outdoors for family time; hiking, exploring, travel and even an occasional round of golf. But their greatest joy comes from teaching God’s Word in such a way that bears fruit in other’s lives. They are true Preachers of Righteousness, helping others draw closer to God and living victoriously in every area of their lives.
Travis & Stephanie Riedel
Stephanie has been a member of Eagles Nest for most of her life, growing up through our children’s church, youth and young adult ministries. Since graduating Bible college in 2010, Stephanie has led Crossfire Teens and Connect Young Adults. She also shares her passion for music ministry as a worship leader and is part of our Wednesday Night Bible Study teaching team.
After meeting Stephanie at a youth church conference, Travis relocated from the Unites States to Canada and the two were married in 2022. They now lead Crossfire Teens together, sharing a love and desire for the things of God with the next generation. When they are not at church, you will find these two in the great outdoors, spending time with their family or trying to outdo one another in a competitive sport or board game.
Vic Clark
Vic is an Ozzie transplant to Canada, arriving here in 1966. He made Niagara Falls his home and has 2 kids and 4 grandkids. Vic and Pastor Ric have been friends for almost 5 decades, having been police officers together in their younger days. Vic is an ordained Minister of the Gospel, called to full-time ministry for over 30 years. He is an active member at EaglesNest for 19 years. Vic has been privileged to minister the Gospel here in Canada and overseas in the nations to the glory of God.
A Preacher of Righteousness with deep conviction and a “no compromise” stand concerning the Word of Faith message, Vic flows in a strong prophetic/exhortative anointing. He takes every opportunity to spread the “Good News” of the love of Jesus Christ wherever he goes. Vic says,”I find it easy and very fulfilling to sow a little seed and win a few souls for Jesus.” His motivation; The harvest is ripe, time is short, the message is powerful and the rewards are great. Amen!
Toni Bain
Toni Bain is a member of EaglesNest for over 20 years now. She manages our church office and is ‘first point of contact’ for anyone that reaches out to EaglesNest. Besides her Administrative duties, Toni is Head of the Nursery Department, a member of our Praise & Worship Team, and Head of the Hospitality Team. Given her Italian heritage, Toni embraces every opportunity to serve food!
Toni has been married to Andy for over 20 years and has 3 children. Out of all of her jobs, being a Wife and a Mom are her favourites. When Toni is not at church, she enjoys spending time with her family, camping, hiking and canoeing in the great outdoors.
One more thing; If you have ever been blessed by reading “Good Morning Church” Sunday mornings on our website, well … Toni is the author.