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The following was taught and prayed through during our 9:30 a.m. family prayer time with Sue DeGroot

Genesis 6:18 AMPC

Genesis 7:1‭, ‬13 AMPC

Genesis 8:18 AMPC

Genesis 9:1 AMPC

Exodus 12:7‭, ‬13‭, ‬22‭-‬23 AMPC

Genesis 19:12‭-‬14‭, ‬16‭, ‬26 AMPC

Luke 12:42‭-‬48 MSG

Noah and his family, as were the Israelites, were one, obedient to the Lord's instruction, were ready and protected by the blood. In the other scriptures, there was mockery, unbelief, and a desire for worldly things.


  • The Lord is returning soon and we want ourselves and our families to be ready.

May 30

The following was taught and prayed through during our 6 a.m. prayer time with Pastor Ric Borozny

June 6

The following was taught and prayed through during our 6 a.m. prayer time with Pastor Ric Borozny