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The following was taught and prayed through during our 9:30 a.m. family prayer time with Sue DeGroot

At the top of the year, for Family Prayer, the Holy Spirit said to 'Plead the Blood'. Below is a portion of Jack Hayford's book/article 'Pleading the Blood.' The full article can be found at

Through the blood of sacrifice, there is deliverance, protection, and a God-provided future. This mighty forecasting picture was fulfilled in the Person of Jesus.

Pleading the Blood of Jesus

When we talk about “pleading” the blood of Jesus, we are not talking about “begging.” “Pleading the blood” should not be considered a desperation exercise; God has not called us to come begging before Him. Many of us were raised in an environment where we heard the words, “Father God, we come under the blood of Jesus.” Or, “Lord, we cover this matter with the blood of Jesus.” Even before we understood it, we believed in the power of the Blood, because we believed that Jesus is the Son of God, and that the Cross was the instrument of global redemption which broke the power of hell.

Pleading the blood of Jesus is not the superstitious application of a magic formula of words. Rather, a spiritual dynamic is being applied. The power of the blood of Jesus Christ is greater than both the energy of our own humanity and that of our Adversary. The power that saves is also the power that releases, delivers, and neutralizes the enterprises of hell and the weaknesses of the flesh. The appropriation of the power of the Blood in tough situations is intended for every believer in Christ to know, to understand, and to employ.

The Passover: (Exodus 12:13-14)

1. The Blood Provides Protection
2. The Blood Provides a Means of Deliverance
3. The Blood Provides the Promise of a New Day
4. The Blood Provides a Witness

Lay Claim to the Body of Evidence

Pleading the blood of Jesus is a heaven-given resource that grants us a license to stand in dominion over the works of hell. We can use it in the same sense that an attorney stands before the court and makes a “plea” on legal grounds, based upon a body of evidence.

When you and I come before the court of heaven—and in every circumstance we face in life—we have the legal right, through the blood of Jesus Christ, to enter a plea and to lay claim to the evidence (His slain body, His shed blood at the Cross) which is proven to neutralize the power of sin, the power of affliction, the power of death, and the power of hell. It is to that I make my plea when I plead the blood of Jesus, whether I face demonic, physical, or personal attack, condemnation or the temptation to sin.

There is no circumstance in life to which the blood of Jesus isn’t key to God’s releasing, protecting, resolving power, whether it’s removing the potential of confusion, overcoming the impact of rebellion, breaking the torment of fear, or the shame of the past. When we “plead the blood,” we are to do so in the understanding sense, with the firepower of the supernatural, and on the basis of the body of evidence that through the blood of Jesus Christ, all hell has been broken in its power, all sin neutralized, the power of death overwhelmed, and every human need paid for once and for all.

Copyright © 2006, 2013 Jack W. Hayford, Jack Hayford Ministries

December 28

The following was taught and prayed through during our 9:30 a.m. family prayer time with Sue DeGroot

January 11

The following was taught and prayed through during our 9:30 a.m. family prayer time with Sue DeGroot