They conquered him completely through the blood of the Lamb and the powerful word of his testimony....
Revelation 12:11a TPT
Article by Billye Brim
A minister and his wife, named Stevens, were conducting meetings in Canada in a large church.
They had left their children at home in the southeastern part of the United States in the care of grandparents. The Canadian meetings were inflicting great damage to the kingdom of darkness.
Many were coming to new life in Jesus, and many were being set free from bondages of Satan. Don Gossett gave the following account in his book Praise Avenue:
Because of this success, the devil became infuriated and began to torment Brother Stevens with the thought that he was going to kill the Stevens' children. Brother Stevens said, "Devil, you're a liar! You cannot kill my children."
To this, the devil seemed to say, "Oh, yes, I can, for I have put rabies upon the foxes in the woods adjoining your property." Immediately, Brother Stevens remembered the reports of friends who had seen foxes roaming on his land before he'd left Tennessee.
In simple childlike faith, Brother Stevens gathered together three other believers. Together they agreed in prayer, and by faith they drew a blood line of protection around the Stevens' property....
A week later, Brother Stevens received a letter from his brother back in Tennessee. He said, "Today I was out walking. I walked around the edge of your property. Lying on the boundary of your land I found five dead foxes. We had the heads examined and found they were all rabid."
The foxes had dropped dead when they tried to cross the Blood line! 1
When Reverend Gossett heard this, he had his answer. For a long time thieves had been regularly breaking into his ministry office vandalizing and causing great devastation.
The Gossetts installed security devices. They worked with police. Nothing stopped the intruders. Until...
"When I heard this story," Don Gossett wrote, "I decided to draw a Blood line...I called my wife and family together. By faith, we drew a Blood line around our offices. That was in 1969. We've never had a break-in at our offices since."
Also read:
GPAN prayer summary from Jan 21, 2011 below in the attachment
Confession of the Blood by Pastor Mark Hankins
Faith Confession by Keith Moore