Jeremiah 31:16-17 AMPC
[16] Thus says the Lord: Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work shall be rewarded, says the Lord; and [your children] shall return from the enemy's land. [17] And there is hope for your future, says the Lord; your children shall come back to their own country.
Is 49:17-18 GWT
Your children will hurry back. Those who destroyed you and laid waste to you will leave you.18 Look up, look around, and watch! All of your children are gathering together and returning to you. "I solemnly swear as I live," declares the LORD, "you will wear all of them like jewels and display them on yourself as a bride would."
Is 49:17aNCV
Your children will soon return to you...
Isaiah 49:24-25 MSG
Can plunder be retrieved from a giant, prisoners of war gotten back from a tyrant? But God says, “Even if a giant grips the plunder and a tyrant holds my people prisoner, I’m the one who’s on your side, defending your cause, rescuing your children.
Isaiah 54:13 NCV
All your children will be taught by the Lord, and they will have much peace.
We are praying for our children (no matter their age) to come out of captivity and to return and be restored to the Lord and to their family.
As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord (Josh 24:15NLT)