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The following was taught and prayed through during our 9:30 a.m. family prayer time with Sue DeGroot

Jerry Savelle Ministries
Feb 2024 Excerpts

Amid the tremors shaking our world, now is not the time to retreat. This is the moment to lean in, press on, and trust in the favor and the promises of God.

As I write this letter, I sense the leading of the Holy Spirit, guiding me to share a message of hope and encouragement. I believe, as you read this, you’re about to experience something extraordinary—a major breakthrough.

The Holy Spirit said to me, “For those of you who have remained faithful through all the turmoil that's been taking place in our world, you are on the brink of a major breakthrough.”

So, don’t grow weary now, for this is not the time to back off of your steadfast commitment. It's not the time to retreat. Continue to trust in God, and to lean on His everlasting words, for He is orchestrating miracles in your favor.

As you continue to trust God, know this, something good is on the horizon, and it's about to manifest in your life.

You’re entering a new season of blessings. Yes, favor is on the way, the likes of which you've never encountered. Prepare your heart for positive changes, for miracles that are about to unfold, for your God will not let you fail.

God is orchestrating miracles behind the scenes on your behalf, even at this very instant.

Stand firm and watch vigilantly, for what seemed impossible is on the brink of becoming reality. God has not forgotten you; you’re ever in His sight, continuously in His thoughts. This is your Psalm 20 moment, where the Scripture reminds us: “May He send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion. May He remember all your sacrifices and accept your burnt offerings." (Psalm 20:2-3, NIV)

The Passion Translation says, “[He will] remember every gift you have given.”

Isaiah 45:15 in The MESSAGE Paraphrase, says, “Clearly, you are a God who works behind the scenes, God of Israel, Savior God.”

I’m here to tell you, God is right now working behind the scenes on your behalf. You may not perceive it now, but your victory is being prepared right now.

A major breakthrough is headed your way. Something big is on the horizon. Just stay in faith. Keep celebrating and praising God in advance.

What you've been steadfastly believing for is not in vain. Continue to stand firm, to pray, to sow, and above all, to rejoice, for your breakthrough is near. It is not a matter of 'if' but 'when'—and it is imminent.

Your breakthrough is about to break through!

Let me leave you with a word that the Lord impressed upon my spirit—a word to strengthen you, to fortify your faith, and to assure you that your waiting has not been in vain. The Lord is declaring, "I have already gone ahead of you; your breakthrough is at hand, with no further delays. Ready your heart for the harvest of blessings, for the God of your breakthrough has made a way where there seemed to be none."

So, I urge you now, make a stand of faith, lift your voice, and offer a shout of praise to the God of the breakthrough. The Lord said to me, “The depth of your praise will determine the magnitude of your breakthrough.”

February 26

The following was taught and prayed through during our 9:30 a.m. family prayer time with Sue DeGroot

March 19

The following was taught and prayed through during our 9:30 a.m. family prayer time with Sue DeGroot