I heard the word 'Deflect'
Read all of Gen 3
*vs12-13 - deflection
Deflection is used as a shield to prevent the truth and weight (consequences) of a person’s sin from reaching the place that it needs to reach. It prevents one from coming face to face with themselves and accepting responsibility.
Deflection is when a person can’t or won’t accept full or partial responsibility for their actions and they will place blame on someone else.
The enemy loves to come in through pride to set up a stronghold in this area. As long as he can keep a person deflecting, he keeps them bound in sin. This prevents them from humbling themselves and in turn, allows the enemy permission to torment them and through their stubbornness to forgive.
Deflection is dangerous. As long deflection is operating in a person’s life, they will be in a state of ongoing unforgiveness which leads to bitterness and resentment. They remain blind to any wrongdoing on their part.
Without the willingness to be humble, teachable, and open to self-examination, pride will keep a person bound in deflection.
A person must be willing to look at themselves and accept responsibility and come to true repentance. This comes by the hand of God in His time, His doing, and His careful strategic ways. God needs to expose the lies and soften the heart so it’s prepared to take a look at itself and accept responsibility for what it failed at doing. This is the goodness of God’s love that leads a heart to repentance and overcoming deflection.
Pray against pride, rebellion, and stubbornness and for the strength and courage to boldly face and own their wrongdoings and the desire to come to change. Pray that their hearts yield to the power of forgiveness and be willing to let go of all offenses. That they humble themselves, repent and are restored.